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Getting the right burner for your gas fire pit makes a world of difference. However, it’s important to know the required size, too. After all, you can get a high-end burner, but it won’t be enough if it’s too big or too small for the fire pit. Once you get the proper burner size, you’ll get the most out of your gas fire pit.


You need a burner that’s at least three inches smaller than the fire pit’s inner edges on all sides. Small fire pits should have around 40K BTUs, medium fire pits should offer up to 100K BTU, and large fire pits should use a 150K BTU burner. If the burner is too small, there won’t be enough flames.


Throughout this article, we’ll explain why you should find the best burner size for your gas fire pit, how deep it needs to be in the pit, and how you can increase the flame’s size. We’ll also dive into the details about what happens if you don’t have the right size.

What Is the Best Size Burner for a Gas Fire Pit?

The best size burner for a gas fire pit is any burner that’s between three to six inches smaller than the inner edges of the pit. For example, if you have a 30-inch inner diameter within the fire pit, you should get a burner that’s between 18 to 24 inches in diameter. This spaciousness allows the burner some breathing room without touching the outer edges.


Most fire pits have several internal components. For example, they’ll have burners, gas lines, media, burner trays, etc. If you’re interested in learning more about the dimensions of each of these parts, consider reviewing this helpful YouTube video by Montana Fire Pits: 

Do You Need a Burner Pan for a Gas Fire Pit?

While you don’t need a burner pan for a gas fire pit, it can help quite a bit. Fire Pits Direct explains burner pans prevent excess heat from escaping through the bottom of the fire pit. Furthermore, a burner pan holds the media (such as lava rock or fire glass) and the burner. You can place a burner pan under the burner and clean it every few uses.


Most fire pit burner pans are completely covered by the media. For example, it won’t be visible below the fire glass or lava rock. However, some bowl-shaped burner pans have their outer edges exposed. This setup helps people grab and remove the burner pan without moving all of the fire pit’s media out of the way.

How Many BTUs Should a Gas Fire Pit Have?

If your fire pit has too many BTUs (British Thermal Units), it’ll consume a lot of gas, create an oversized flame, and deteriorate the fire pit. On the other hand, not having enough BTUs will produce an undersized flame that doesn’t provide enough heat. Most gas fire pits don’t exceed 150,000 BTUs, though there are some exceptions.


Here’s a detailed table regarding the size of your gas fire pit to the recommended BTUs:


Fire Pit Diameter

Recommended BTUs



40,000 BTUs



90,000 BTUs



100,000 BTUs



150,000 BTUs


Clever Patio suggests basing your fire pit’s BTUs on the square footage desired. For example, if you wanted to cover 550 sq. ft., you’d use a 40K BTU burner, but those who want to cover 2,500 sq. ft. would use a 150K BTU burner. Whichever route you choose, make sure the burner’s dimensions follow the aforementioned size guidelines.

How Deep Should a Fire Pit Burner Be?

According to The Magic of Fire, a fire pit should be about 1.25 inches below a layer of fire glass. You could also place it under a ½-inch layer of lava rock. The burner shouldn’t be exposed or visible since it’s supposed to heat the glass or rocks. If it’s exposed, it won’t transfer the heat evenly. You’ll end up with less heat and more oxidation.


Your fire pit’s burner will be several inches below the upper rim of the pit. While you won’t be able to see the burner, your fire pit is nothing without it. The burner sends gas above the lava rocks or fire glass, which ignites the flame right when it penetrates the upper layer. The result is a warm, long-lasting flame without a burner in sight.


That being said, the perfect setup requires the right BTUs, burner dimensions, etc. Find out how you can make the flame bigger below.

How Do You Make the Flame on a Gas Fire Pit Bigger?

To make the flame on a gas fire pit bigger, follow these suggestions:


  1. Make sure there aren’t any gas leaks. Gas leaks will drastically reduce your burner’s flame size. It doesn’t matter if you have a 150K BTU burner or a 30K BTU burner; you need to make sure the hoses are secure, and none of them are leaking. If you find a leak, replace the hose with a like-for-like model.
  2. Upgrade your burner to the highest BTU range. Check the table above to know the biggest burner you can get for your gas fire pit. Getting a bigger burner doesn’t mean the flame will always be massive. It just means you can adjust the flame to get larger than it currently is, which provides much more warmth.
  3. Ensure there’s enough fuel in the tank. If your gas fire pit is running low on fuel, it won’t have enough to ignite and maintain a big flame. Some gas valves trickle due to built-in pressure meters. As the tank’s fuel gets lower, the flame gets smaller. Topping off the fuel or replacing it with a new tank will fix this issue.
  4. Turn the dial clockwise to raise the flame. Now that your fuel lines are good to go, it’s time to test the dial or switch. Turn it slowly to ensure it doesn’t grow too quickly. Open the gas valve and see how big you can make the flame with the new fuel and burner. This will let you know your burner’s maximum capacity.
  5. Clean the burner to prevent it from clogging. If your fire pit’s flame still won’t get big enough, turn everything off, unplug the gas line, and clean the burner. You can use an abrasive sponge, though some manufacturers recommend using a wire brush. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to know exactly how to clean your fire pit’s burner.


These five steps will make your gas fire pit much bigger. You don’t need the biggest burner available, but getting a larger size will definitely make a difference. Make sure you follow the previously mentioned size chart, so you don’t go overboard. If you’re worried about getting a burner that’s too big, read on.

What Happens if a Fire Pit Burner Is Too Big?

If the fire pit burner is too big, the flame will get too far outside of the fire pit, the outer edges will overheat, and soot will develop inside of the fire pit. It could also deteriorate the fire pit and invite rust, both of which ruin the gas fire pit and make you have to get a new one. Make sure your fire pit isn’t too big if you want to increase its longevity.


Here’s an in-depth explanation for each of these issues:


  • The flame could burn outside of the pit. Perhaps the most common issue associated with having an oversized fire pit burner is a lack of safety. Large flames might seem aesthetically pleasing, but they’re quite dangerous. They can encourage spreading fires, unwanted burns, and more.
  • The outside of the fire pit will get too hot. Although you should next touch any part of a fire pit when it’s on, the radiating heat can be quite uncomfortable to be near. You won’t feel comfortable sitting near a fire pit when the burner is too large. It’ll send the flames a bit too close to enjoy without overheating.
  • Soot and discoloration will alter the fire pit’s appearance. You’ll need to clean your fire pit much more often than you should have to. Furthermore, the heat from an oversized burner could permanently stain the inside and outside of your gas fire pit. Keep the burner within the recommended ranges to prevent this issue.
  • You could risk deteriorating the fire pit with an oversized burner. Gas fire pits are designed to handle the heat, but they can’t get too warm. The metal can warp and discolor, which eventually weakens the material. This process slowly thins the metal and makes it much easier to break.
  • The fire pit could rust or corrode, which means you’ll need a new one. If your gas fire pit is getting porous, it could be because the burner is too big. The oxidized metal mixes with rain and humidity to form rust. Once the rust digs into the weakened metal from the oversized burner, it can cause irreparable damage.


Having an oversized burner is much more dangerous and detrimental than getting an undersized burner. However, you don’t want to end up with a burner that doesn’t let you get the most out of your gas fire pit. Let’s explore what you can do if your burner is too small in the following section.

What to Do if Your Fire Pit Burner Is Too Small

If your fire pit burner is too small, follow these instructions:


  1. Measure the inside of your fire pit to find out what size the burner needs to be. There should be three inches on all sides of the burner. This free space lets the burner send flames throughout the fire pit without directly burning the outer material. Remember to choose the correct BTU, too.
  2. Check how much fuel your new burner will need. Burners with a higher BTU rating always require more fuel. It’s up to you to decide how much fuel you’ll need to use by choosing the BTU size. If you’re willing to spend more on gas, you can get a large burner. Keep in mind that large burners can be turned down to use less fuel.
  3. Inspect the burner pan and decide if you should get a new one. If the burner pan (also known as the burner tray) is damaged, corroded, rusted, or otherwise broken, it’s time to get a new one. This is the perfect moment to replace the burner pan because you already have the burner out of the way.
  4. Clear all of the debris out of the fire pit. Remove leaves, scraps, and anything else that shouldn’t be in the fire pit. These items can get too hot and ignite, not to mention the damage and clogs they can cause to the burners, trays, and other components. Debris naturally builds up, so it’s worth looking even if you maintain the fire pit.
  5. Turn your fire pit on low and open the gas valve, then slowly increase the flame if necessary. It’s important to start with a low flame to prevent accidents. Make sure the gas line is completely secured; otherwise, your gas fire pit’s flame will be too small and could leak for long periods of time.


A small fire pit burner isn’t always a major concern, but it can be a bit disappointing. If you think your fire pit’s burner is the wrong size, it’s worth comparing your current burner size to the previously mentioned BTU and dimensions. Maxing out your fire pit burner’s size doesn’t mean you’ll always have a big flame; it simply means the capability is much higher.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the perfect burner for your fire pit will greatly improve your experience. If it’s the wrong size, you’ll have trouble handling the flame because it’ll be too low or too high. Furthermore, a massive flame can scorch and discolor the fire pit. It’ll also make the gas fire pit too hot to touch or be around.

