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Choosing a snowmobile can be challenging. You want something that will let you get the most out of winter, but that is better said than done with all the options available to you. Should you get a traditional snowmobile or an alternative such as a track sled?

Generally, your choice between a snowmobile and a track sled comes down to personal preference. However, there are some other important factors to consider such as:

  • Width
  • Length
  • Rubber hardness,
  • Your preferred riding conditions

Despite this, there are some moments where you may prefer one over the other. Snowmobiles and track sleds are built for specific purposes, and these purposes can affect the type of vehicle you need. By reading further, you will learn how to find these moments.

The Pros and Cons of Using a Snowmobile or a Track Sled

There is nothing like riding down a snowy trail on a snowmobile. The thrill of the wind on your face as you traverse the winter wonderland is simply breathtaking. However, you must have the right combination of snowmobile and track sled to get you out there.

Unfortunately, finding the right snowmobile setup can be challenging at best. The number of makes, models, engines, and track profiles can be daunting on their own, but you must also consider other factors such as trail conditions and your skill level.

Because of this, many snow enthusiasts are moving to snowmobile alternatives. These alternatives go by many names such as track sleds, electric sleds, snow bikes, and snow scooters. People love these machines because they are:

  • Silent: they run silently enough to ride them in public parks or in your backyard
  • Scentless: No unpleasant grease or gasoline smell or exhaust fumes
  • Lightweight: most models are 100 to 132 pounds or less, allowing a single person to lift, drag, or pull them
  • Compact: modular construction for quick assembly and storage
  • Simple: user and child-friendly with simple controls

Track Size

Track sleds only come in two profiles:

  • Short track – available in 120, 121, 128, and 129 inches. Easier to turn while keeping the skis planted on the ground.
  • Long track – Available in 136, 137, 141, 144, and 146 inches. Better performance in deeper snow, stutter bumps, and moguls

Can Track Sleds Be Used with Ice Fishing?

Some track sleds are lightweight enough to cross frozen lakes safely, making them excellent for getting to and from your favorite ice fishing spot.

What Types of Cooling Systems are Available?

Sleds are either fan-cooled or liquid-cooled. Fan-cooled systems use fans to blow air over fins attached to the engine cylinders. They are common among smaller models since they are lighter, easily kept, and typically less expensive than liquid systems.

Liquid-cooled systems pass a liquid through carburetors to displace heat from their engines. They look and function similarly to other liquid-cooled, internal combustion systems such as the one in your car. They are more expensive than fan systems, but they are a must for high-performance sleds.

If well kept, both types of cooling systems should work without issues. As such, you never need to cover them with ice or snow except in emergencies. However, you should minimize the snow and ice cover on your fan-cooled sled to keep the fans clear and in best condition.

Do Track Sled Have Reverse?

Some sled types have a reverse. Others, such as the e-bike varieties, do not.

Types of Track Sleds

Track sleds come in all shapes and sizes with new ones coming every so often. However, these types usually come from a single manufacturer for a single niche or purpose.


A moonbike is a mountain e-bike with snowmobile tracks for wheels, letting you traverse any mountainside. They sport a pair of batteries that can keep a top speed of 26 mph for 3 hours per charge. Priced around $8900, these sleds are great for serious mountain fun-lovers, backcountry skiers, and rescue teams.


A motowinch is an electric motorized winch that pulls you as if you were skiing tethered to a snowmobile. As such, they allow you to pull off the same tricks and stunts without needing another person around to control your speed. You can also convert them into electric wake machines for summer destinations and fun.

Electric Shredder

Described as a Segway with tank treads, the Electric Shredder is a 250-pound motorized sled that can reach up to 30 mph for up to 2 hours with its twin 20kW motors. The unique design also makes it an excellent year-round, all-conditions versatile utility vehicle.

Light Electric Timbersled

A timbersled is another electric dirt bike converted for winter activities. Weighing in at around 100 pounds, these bikes can go as fast as a comparable dirt bike but with much less range. However, you can still get a good 20 miles on them If you have the right power upgrades.

Electric Snowmobile

These miniature snowmobiles work like conventional snowmobiles but can only go up to 62 miles on a single charge of their batteries. Luckily, they are compatible with Level 3 Fast-Charge electric vehicle technology, meaning you only have to wait 40 minutes before continuing your ride.

All-Terrain eScooter

Equally at home in the snow or on a sandy beach, the ambitious all-terrain eScooter can reach up to 21 mph on snow with its 2,000W motor.

Electric SnowKart

A snowkart looks like a mobility scooter with tank treads, but it will take you anywhere when the weather gets colder. It will even take you across frozen lakes. It can only go 12 mph for up to 2 hours, but it is one of the few snow machines you can use while ice fishing.


The snowbike is a year-round, all-terrain e-bike with rear tracks that can go 9 to 31 miles on a single battery charge. Everything about it is modular too. You can even switch out the track and skis for wheels to ride the bike during the summer. It is also one of the least expensive options out there, coming in at just over $4000.

Other Factors to Consider When Buying Track Sleds

Track size is the most important factor when choosing a track sled, but it is not the only one.

Your Budget

The best snowmobile track sled is the one you can budget for without issues. However, you must also consider any extras that come with it.

These extras could include:

  • A transceiver
  • Turbo or supercharger
  • Shovel
  • Probe
  • Outerwear
  • Backpack
  • Club memberships and any required licenses

These items can significantly lower your snowmobile purchasing budget. So, budgeting for them can keep your expectations realistic.

Dealership Support

Like with any other vehicle, you will need to service your snowmobile from time to time. As such, you want to get your snowmobile and snowmobile parts from a reputable dealer with the best support and warranty in your area. You never want to travel hundreds of miles for service or recall work.

Ease of Use

Not every snowmobile starts the same. Some large, bulkier sled models require more effort to turn on than the smaller models. Either way, you want an ignition system you are comfortable using. Do you need something to let you turn, stop, and even do tricks? Or would something you can turn on once and then enjoy a day of cruising be more your style?

Where You Plan to Ride

Snowmobiles act differently on different terrains. As such, you should factor in your preferred riding trails when choosing a sled.

Riding Style Preferred Sled Types
Cruising Performance, touring, sport, trail, or utility
Off-road Mountain or crossover


Geographic Location

Different regions get different types of snow. So, you need a snowmobile track designed specifically for your area. For instance, Pacific coastal mountains usually have wet and heavy snow that sets fast. You need a sled with harder rubber to transverse them. However, you need soft rubber to grip the lighter fluffy snow of the Central Rockies.

Speed and Performance

Speed and performance are not everything, but they do determine whether you will enjoy your ride. However, most performance characteristics such as max speed are set by the purpose and type of snowmobile you have. You will get a lot more power out of a sled designed to pull cargo than one designed to race down the mountainside, but you will get more speed from the racer.

How Often You Ride

Like with any vehicle, overdue will wear down your sled. So, you will want a durable touring machine if you plan to ride every chance you get. However, you can save money by going on a less expensive snowmobile if you ride only once or twice a year.

Your Skill Level and Weight

When buying a snowmobile, never underestimate how you factor into the equation. For instance, you should go with a long-track sled if you are heavy or a beginner. Longer tracks float over snow rather than sink into it, which makes them more forgiving. Meanwhile, smaller, more aggressive riders can use shorter tracks for increased speed.

Your Riding Group

When riding with a group, it is best to have something similar to everyone else. This will let you keep up with them. That means going with a short-track sled when sticking to trails and long sleds when everyone goes off-road.

Engine Type

Generally, four-stroke engines are heavier than two-stroke models but require less maintenance. You can even add a turbo to boost your sled’s power when climbing. Meanwhile, two-stroke engines offer a higher power-to-weight ratio and snappier response. However, these distinctions are becoming less noticeable with each new model year.

The Different Types of Snowmobiles

As mentioned earlier, snowmobile speed and performance typically come from the type and purpose of your sled. As such, choosing between the 7 snowmobile types is a big part of finding the right snowmobile. Each type has its pros and cons which can help determine its viability.

  • Trail: most beginner-friendly, best for groomed trail systems, offer smooth rides and efficient cornering.
  • Sport Trail: most popular intermediate sled, same features as trail sleds but lightweight with excellent suspension.
  • Performance: Specializes in performance, speed, aggressiveness, and smooth rides, bulkier frame is built for power
  • Touring: have the stamina and power to go for hours without stopping, big enough to carry a friend or cargo, often include smooth suspension systems, heated seats, brackets, and electronic communication systems
  • Mountain: not high-performance machines but will take you up a mountainside, can fit through narrow gorges and ledges
  • Crossover: extreme versatility, the best general-purpose snowmobiles on the market with a robust and accommodating suspension can take you off the beaten path
  • Utility: the heavy-duty trucks of the mountain tails, with high-power engines, can handle the heaviest loads. However, all that power came at the expense of performance.

Build a DIY Track Sled from an Old Snowmobile

New track sleds cost a lot of money. A good model can range up to the price of a small car. As such, many winter sports enthusiasts are finding alternatives by converting old snowmobiles into DIY sleds. Any old snowmobile will do as long as its track system still works. You just follow a few simple steps:

  1. Disassemble the snowmobile and remove the front of the chassis until only the track section remains
  2. Find and attach an appropriate motor to the middle of the remaining chassis
  3. Hook up the track system belts between the motor and the track drivetrain
  4. Create a control handlebar out of a handlebar from a motorcycle or e-bike.
  5. Attach the handlebar to the rear of the sled chassis ensuring that it is long enough to use comfortably
  6. Link the handlebar controls to the motor’s throttle using bike cables
  7. Create an optional seat with wheels by taking parts from a riding lawnmower or snowplow
  8. Attach the seat to the rear of the sled.
  9. Test the sled and make changes as needed
  10. Design and build the electronics
  11. Create and attach a hood
  12. Test the sled again


Finding the right snowmobile can challenge anyone. You want one that best matches your riding needs and style, but their track sleds can come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Luckily, manufacturers build their sleds with specific uses in mind.
